Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good Deeds

This weekend I went to Miami Dade Animal Services for a volunteers orientation. I was first introduced to Animal Services when watching Animal Planet for hours on end when I first moved here. They had repeats of Miami Animal Police playing constantly and I became addicted, watching and learning but mainly crying at the abuse of animals they showed. A few months later I was determined and excited to get my very first dog ever, so we saved up (since I love to do research I researched EVERYTHING I could about owning a dog and learned that they definitely come with expenses) and trecked out to Animal Services to pick him out. I was forewarned that I either wouldn't find a dog I wanted the first time out or that I would want EVERY dog I saw, but I had my list of breeds that would suit our lifestyle and was primed to choose responsibly. As soon as we saw the little bugger in the above picture, though, all that went out the window.

He was the only dog in that section not barking and just trotted happily over to us when we approached the gate. He was so cute and sweet and hairy, I felt certain he was the one for us. A few days later we brought him home, named him Moondoggie and he's been an intregal part of our little family ever since. He's so loving and lovable, well-behaved, and blended in so well with us that I can't imagine not having him. Let alone that the shelter could've euthanized him just because they run out of space and funds. So, after legally becoming a Miamian a few weeks ago, I followed up on my promise to myself to go volunteer at the shelter and do whatever I can to get as many deserving little creatures a home.

I've never volunteered anywhere before so I'm excited to see how that'll be and was encouraged to see that there were at least 20 other people at the orientation with me. They seem to be especially in need of volunteers during the summertime as that is when they receive the most pets so I'm happy with my timing (delayed though it may be since I should've become a legal Miamian ages ago). I went to get my criminal background check done today and I'll know in a couple of days if I've been accepted. Wouldn't it be awful if I couldn't 'cause I'm a criminal and didn't even know it? Also, the ensuing jail time wouldn't be so great either.

On the crafting front, not much knitting has been 'round these parts in quite a few days. All this heat just doesn't inspire working with yarn. So I'm looking for other outlets! I've dusted off my beading bins and have started playing with some new jewelry creations. It's been a while since I've beaded so the creative noggin's a little rusty but I'll get there. I also intend on working on my sewing skills since I consider them mediocre at best. For a little extra motivation I'm going to my first craft night in Miami, hosted by local crafters. I've been looking forward to making local craft connections and am so happy to have my first tonight.

But before good-time outtings comes chores so I'm off to do some laundry now!

Currently shuffling through the sound system: Ok Go - Million Ways; Estelle - Come Over; Miss Li - Bourgeois Shangri-La; Them Two - Am I A Good Man; Estelle - American Boy; Phoenix - Fences; The Brothers Johnson - Strawberry Letter No. 23

Thursday, June 10, 2010


This cracked my funny bone up. I did always love the original Karate Kid (the sequels? - not so much). And he has stayed impressibly young looking - 48 years old? Who knew?!